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Sign language


Sign language is like any other language, which is used to exchange information between two or more persons. What are the spoken language word for sign language are signs. Instead of using voice and uttered the words, In the sign language used hand gestures, body, face, mouth and head to express different concepts. Instead of hearing that we understand the word, we use the sense of sight with which we interpret the signs.


At the meeting of UNESCO in Paris in 1984, formulated the definition of sign language, which reads as follows:
"Sign language is a form of communication, that words and concepts expressed hands, which expresses the average individual is easy to say, think, depending on the context or a complex series of ideas".


".... Sign language is the language that convenient for love and for speaking, for flirting and mathematics ... "

Sign language is a complex, structured, lively language. It has a strong cultural base and belongs to a number of sign languages that are widespread among the groups of the deaf in the world.


Most people think that all deaf people around the world speak the same sign language, and that sign language is universal. However, this is not true. There are national sign languages specific to each country.

The Republic of Serbia is one of 30 states which in 2015 recognized sign language as a language of minority.

What is finger alphabet


There is a single lever and two-handed alphabet. Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Macedonia and Montenegro using Two-hand alphabet, in Slovenia and in most other European countries use the lever alphabet, as well as internationally recognized system. Australia, England, Scotland, New Zealand, India and South Africa have their own, recognized system of two-hand alphabet. However, there is a famous one-handed system and quickly switch to it when someone uses it.

The community of deaf people in the Republic of Serbia use two-handed alphabet. In the two-handed alphabet there are all the letters Serbian spoken language. Manual Alphabet has the role of support tools in communication that are commonly used for the imposition of personal names, names of organizations, and the lesser known places, the technical terms and words that do not have an agreed sign or are less known.

Using of sign language

Each nation and each province has its own sign language. Gestures are generated, created and continues to develop in a natural way because of the need for a certain group of people communicating. When we are familiar with a particular dialect spoken language, we note that differences in sign language used by a small group of people. So we can distinguish: the provincial gestures, gestures Children, Family gestures, gestures school, cultural and educational gestures, gestures among acquaintances.

In addition to the original sign language, deaf, which are used among themselves, with the beginnings of the education of the deaf appeared and various sign systems. They are associated with spoken language, or a combination of gesture and spoken language, because in the process of creating involved cluding teachers, parents and others. Most of the deaf have problems with the adoption of the structure of sign language. The situation is similar and the hearing parents of deaf children. Therefore, in the world and in our developed systems for communication between Deaf and Hearing.

These systems are very widespread and well-meaning, because they want to help the deaf to learn spoken language, which is required for further education and socializing with people with normal hearing. The deaf person who knows two languages is bilingual and better communicate in a particular sign system in relation to the situation.

How to communicate with the deaf?

Way communication of the deaf is different from the people who hear. Deaf people are oft mutually agreed between the most common in their language, such as Serbian sign language. Deaf people with other people easily discarded, if they not effort to speak slowly, clearly, simply and correctly. Deaf people communicate easily with others through an interpreter, in writing or speech.

Practical advice for communicating with persons with impaired hearing:


When you are speaking with a deaf person, look at her, because it is important that her know that you speak to her (must see your mouth).

  • Do not yell because I can not hear!
  • Be brief in speech, do not shout because it would alter its face and for deaf person will be more difficult to understand the message.
  • During the talks Avoid unnecessary movements, gestures, if you do not know, because they so distracting.
  • If less I hear, I can still understand loud speech in quiet and peaceful areas.
  • Mostly in my ear, that better hearing
  • Speak clearly, slowly!
  • Pay attention to the noise that bothers me in communicating with you. Your voice is not the only sound you hear other sounds are amplified through the hearing aid.
  • If you're not sure that I understand you, repeat several times what you want to tell me. It is good to check if I understand the context.
  • If you hear even less, maybe I can read lips.
  • Look at me while we're talking - while not bend your head and cover your mouth!
  • When you talk to me, you are facing toward me, and that between the words do not chew, do not smoke and do not cover your mouth with your hands.

How will you find what suits my way of communication?

  • I'll show you what I most convenient way of communication, do not try to impose my communication that I do not know.
  • If you did not understand rephrase a sentence or use other simple, short words.
  • Listening and reading lips is very hard, so limit the amount of information we're talking about.
  • Come and gently patted me on the shoulder and took me by the hand - so I know you're there.
  • Do not approach from behind or from the side, because this way I can see. Come with me before, because this makes it easier to see.
  • If I'm not in your closer and you wanna contact me, wave me wide movement to distract me or kicked to the floor, his hand on the table (produced sound that is transmitted through the substrate)
  • In a closed room can we attract the attention of fire fighting and burning bright.
  • Do not just stand there and be silent when we are together. Let's talk a pleasant and attentive.
  • Be my "introduction" by conveying to me the information you hear - so I know what's happening!
  • If you do not hear anything you might know sign language.
  • If you know sign language talk to me- if you do not know how to teach it!

Interesting things

  • Deaf often another deaf person designated special character. That mark is tied to that person for life.
  • These characters are formed on the basis of some of the traits of an individual, such as hair, a scar on his face, eye color, hair style, clothes, mop ..... Sometimes the sign attached to the first letter of the name.
  • His characters get some normal hearing persons who are in contact with deaf people, or work with them, such as teachers, educators, assistants. His gestures rarely get the parents of deaf children, or normal hearing children of deaf parents often take the character of one of the parents.
  • Gestures or signs of personal names are not universal, such as sign language, not all "Anna" and "Dragana" same character ....